LI Group @IIIS, Tsinghua University

Group Members


Jian Li (Professor, IIIS, Tsinghua University)

Phd Students:

Yitong Duan, Research interests: Machine Learning, Quantitative finance, Large Language Models  

Lei Wang, Research interests: Machine Learning, Quantitative finance  

Zeren Tan,  Research interests: Interpretable Machine Learning

Yu Shi, Research interests: Machine Learning, Quantitative finance, Large Language Models


Shaowen Wang, Research interests: Large Language Models

Sichen Bao, Research interests: TBA


Niu Hui, PhD 2024, Research interests: Deep learning, Reinforcement learning, quantitative finance (first job: private fund startup)

Tianping Zhang, PhD 2023, Research interests: Machine Learning, time series prediction, feature generation and selection, Quantitative finance (first job: Qianxiang asset management)   

Liang Zeng, PhD 2023, Research interests: Machine Learning, GNN, LLM (first job: Tiangong LLM)

Jing Zhou, PhD 2023, Research interests: Machine Learning, NLP, LLM (first job: Baidu)

Jin Xu, PhD 2023, Research Interests: Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Speech recognition and generation, NAS, LLM ( (first job: Damo academy))  

Zhouzi Li, Bs 2023, TCS (now Phd student at CMU)

Zixuan Wang, Bs 2023, Learning theory (now Phd student at Princeton)

Zhiyuan Fan, Bs 2023 (STOC best student paper) (now Phd student at MIT)

Chen Zheng, Ms 2022, Research interests: Quantitative finance (first job: X-tech)

Bowei Zhang, Ms 2022, Research interests: Combinatorial algorithms, Computational Geometry  (first job: MSRA)

Shichuan Deng, Phd 2022, Research interests: Theoretical Computer Science, Approximation algorithms  (first job: Damo academy)

Chuheng Zhang, PhD 2022, Research interests: Deep learning, Reinforcement learning, quantitative finance (first job: MSRA)

Xuanyuan Luo, Master 2022, Research interests: Learning theory (Tsinghua Excellent Master thesis award 清华大学优秀硕士论文 first job: Google)

Haike Xu, Bs 2022, Research interests: TCS (next: MIT Ph.D. student) (Tsinghua Grand Scholarship 清华大学特等奖学金)

Runze Wang, Bs 2021, Deep Learning Theory, (now phd student at Princeton)

Daogao Liu, Bs 2021, TCS, (now phd student at UW)

Yu Shi, Ms 2020, Research Interests: Machine Learning, Deep Learning (first job: MSRA)

Kaifeng Lyu, Bs 2020, Deep Learning Theory, (now phd student at Princeton, Assistant Prof. at Tsinghua(incoming))

Yuanhao Wang, Bs 2020, Learning Theory and Optimization, (now phd student at Princeton)

Tianqi Zhao, Ms 2019, Research Interests: Machine Learning, Deep Learning

Jianbo Guo, Ms 2019, Research interests: Machine Learning, Deep Learning (Tsinghua Excellent Master thesis award 清华大学优秀硕士论文 first job: 中国农业银行)

Wei Cao,  Phd 2018, Research interests: machine learning,deep learning, algorithms for big data, (first job: postdoc at MRSA), Phd thesis: On Learning Representations of Spatio-temporal Data (时空数据的表示学习)

Yifei Jin, PhD 2018, Research interests:Computational Geometry, Approximation Algorithms, Machine Learning and Finance (postdoc at CS dept Tsinghua, Now CEO@Xtech, a Fintech&hedge fund startup),  Phd thesis: Geometric Set Cover and t-Spanner (⼏何集合覆盖和 t-跨度图问题研究)

Hao Fu. PhD 2018, Research interests: Approximation Algorithms, Stochastic Optimization, (first: a blockchain startup, now: MingHong asset management (one of the largest private funds in China)), Thesis: Approximation Algorithms for a class of stochastic dynamic programs

Xuan Wu. Ms 2018, Research Interests:  TCS, Computational Learning Theory, Ms 2018 (next: John hopkins Phd student. Now at Huawei) Thesis:  New Challenges for Clustering: Massivenss and Uncertainty

Mingda Qiao. Bs 2018, Theoretical Computer Science, Bs 2018 (PhD from Stanford. Now Postdoc at Simons)  (IOI gold medal, Tsinghua Grand Scholarship 清华大学特等奖学金,)

Haotian Jiang, Bs 2018, TCS, Stochasitc optimization, Approximation algorithms, (PhD from UW, now Assistant Prof. at U. Chicago) (SODA best student award)

Lunjia Hu Bs 2018, TCS, Learning theory (next: phd student at Stanford)

Zhize Li, PhD 2019, Research interests: Efficient Algorithms for Strings, Optimization, Next: research scientist at KAUST, CMU, Now assist prof at SMU (Tsinghua Excellent Ph.D. thesis award 清华大学优秀博士论文)

Mengwen Xu, PHD 2017, Research interests: Algorithms for spatial data analysis, machine learning, traffic analysis, (first job: Huawei)

Dong Wang, Research interests: Algorithms for spatial data analysis, traffic analysis, deep learning PHD 2017 (first job: postdoc at Duke) Phd thesis: Learning and Prediction over Massive Spatio-Temporal Traffic Data (基于海量时空交通数据的学习与预测)

Lijie Chen Bs 2017, Theoretical Computer Science,  (now: MIT Phd student, next Miller fellow, IOI gold medal, Tsinghua Grand Scholarship (清华大学特等奖学金), STOC, FOCS best student paper awards)

Wei Zhan Bs 2017, Theoretical Computer Science,  (now: Princeton Phd student)

Ruosong Wang Bs 2017, Theoretical Computer Science, (PhD from CMU. Now assistant prof at PKU)

Jin Kai, Phd 2016 (Ph.D. Co-advised with Andrew Yao) Research interests: Computational Geometry (first job: postdoc at HKU, Now associate prof at SYSU 中山大学)

Yu Liu, Ms 2016, Research Interests: Stochastic Optimization (now: Face++) Ms Thesis: Stochastic Extreme Value Optimization

Lingxiao Huang , Research interests: TCS, PHD 2017 (first job: postdoc at EPFL, Now associate prof at Nanjing University, 海外优青) Phd Thesis: Coreset Construction and Estimation over Stochastic Data

Haoqiang Fan (Bs 2017, Face++)

Shuran Zheng (Bs 2017, PhD from Harvard, Assistant Prof at IIIS)

Zhiyuan Li (Bs 2017, PhD from Princeton. Assistant Prof. at TTIC )

Fanghong Dong (Bs 2017, Princeton Phd student)

Sheng Yang (Bs, PhD at University of Maryland, College Park, now at Huawei)

Zeyu Zhang (Bs, now at John Hopkins)

Zheng Wei (Bs, now startup in Canada)

Xian Wu (Ms, first job HFT startup in beijing)

Qincai Shi (Ms, first job at Hulu Beijing)

Ningye Zhang (Ms, first job financial company in Shanghai)

Wen Yuan (first job an import-export company in Sun Zhou)

Wei Hu (Ms 2018. Ms thesis 最优臂取样的启发式算法研究)

Fangyu Li (machine learning)

Other (Ex-)students I supervised and/or collaborated with:

Kefan Dong (phd student at Stanford)

Haoyu Zhao (phd student at Princeton)

Kangning Wang (phd student at Duke)

Yuqing Ai

Qinshi Wang

Qipeng Liu (phd student at Princeton)

Jiajun Wu (phd student at MIT. Tsinghua Grand Scholarship (清华大学特等奖学金), Now assistant professor at Stanford)

Tianlin Shi (phd student at Stanford)

Yifan Pi