The organizing committee is delighted to invite you to contribute to NetEcon 2020, held in conjunction with EC’20 and The World Congress of the Game Theory Society, on Friday, July 17, in Budapest, Hungary, or in case of cancellation due to the ongoing COVID-19 epidemic in an alternative remote format.
The emergence of the Internet as a global platform for computation and communication has sparked the development and deployment of many large-scale networked systems. Often these systems involve multiple stakeholders with divergent or even competing interests. Unmitigated selfish behavior in these systems can lead to high inefficiency or even complete collapse. Research interest in the application of economic and game-theoretic principles to the design and analysis of networked systems has grown in recent years.
The aim of NetEcon is to foster discussions on the application of economic and game-theoretic models and principles to address challenges in the development of networks and network-based applications and services. The NetEcon Workshop also seeks to promote multi-disciplinary investigations into the role of incentives in communication and computation. NetEcon was established in 2006 (succeeding to the P2PECON, IBC and PINS workshops) and merged with the W-PIN workshop in 2013.
We invite the submission of extended abstracts (of up to six pages) describing original research on theoretical/methodological contributions or on applications to cases of interest. Longer papers may also be submitted after rejection from EC’20 or SIGMETRICS’20 if submitted together with all the reviews (see submission guidelines for details).
It is our hope that NetEcon will serve as a platform for the early dissemination and improvement of research and as feeder workshop, with expanded and more polished versions of NetEcon extended abstracts submitted to major conferences and refereed journals of the relevant research communities.
- Monday, May 18, 2020, 11:59pm EST: Submission deadline (firm)
- Friday, June 19, 2020: Notification to authors
- Friday, July 12, 2020: Final version for proceedings (and webpage) due
- Friday, July 17, 2020: Workshop
Topics of interest to NetEcon’20 include but are not restricted to networks in the context of interactions between networks, network cascades and spreading phenomena, and:
- Resource and information pricing: cloud computing, network externalities, ride-sharing
- Security and privacy: valuation of personal data, fairness, security games, social media
- Markets, mechanism design, and incentives: dynamic matching, spam prevention, incentive-aware protocols, peer-to-peer, platform economics
- Auctions: spectrum, online advertising, crowdsourcing, data marketplaces
- Learning: reinforcement learning, behavioral models, social learning, network formation
We welcome methods in any combination of pure theory, applied modelling, empirical studies, and simulations or experiments. Work rooted in computer science, economics, game theory, and/or operations research are all within the scope of this workshop.
Information about previous NetEcon workshops can be accessed at http://netecon.eurecom.fr/
Submissions must be one of two formats:
- An extended abstracts of at most 6 pages in the standard two-column format of ACM proceedings (including all figures, tables, references, etc.) containing all important results to allow evaluation of the novelty and scope of the contribution. Where 6 pages are not sufficient to provide enough information (e.g., proofs) to properly substantiate the paper’s results, the authors should provide supplementary material either as a clearly marked appendix (without page limit) or by including a link to the full version of their extended abstract. Such supplementary material will, however, be read only at the discretion of the PC members and will not appear in the proceedings in case of acceptance.
- In case of re-submissions of papers from EC’20 or SIGMETRICS’20, papers may be submitted together with the reviews. Authors may update their papers vis-à-vis the EC/SIGMETRICS submission, but should include the original version submitted in the appendix, ideally with an additional brief document detailing any changes made in response to reviewer comments. If changes are so substantial that the reviews are largely irrelevant, then the usual 6 page version should be submitted instead. Authors of EC/ SIGMETRICS resubmissions that are accepted must either shorten their papers for final inclusion in the proceedings, or opt for the extended abstract format.
Papers should be submitted through the submission website at https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=netecon20
Note that authors for whom publication of a 6-page extended abstract in the NetEcon proceedings would preclude later publication of an expanded version in the relevant venue may elect to contribute only a one-page abstract of their submitted extended abstract to the NetEcon proceedings. Such an abstract should include the URL of a working paper or preprint that contains the main results presented at the NetEcon workshop. Authors can make this decision after receiving a notice of acceptance.
Results previously published or presented at another archival conference prior to NetEcon, or published at a journal prior to the submission deadline to NetEcon, will not be considered.
The workshop proceedings will be published by ACM and available through the ACM Digital Library (DL). Authors will need to assign publication rights to ACM either in the form of a copyright assignment or a license grant as described on ACM’s copyright policy page. In addition, a table-of-content of the workshop’s papers will be posted that will offer permanent free access to the DL version of the papers using the ACM OpenTOC service.
For more information, please contact the organizers or visit the workshop website: https://people.iiis.tsinghua.edu.cn/~huang/netecon20