Decision Intelligence Lab (DI Lab - 决策智能实验室) @IIIS-Tsinghua

AI for Decisions 为了更好地决策

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Welcome to the Decision Intelligence Lab (DI Lab - 决策智能实验室) @ IIIS-Tsinghua! The DI lab is dedicated to advancing the general field of decision intelligence, the intersection of decision making and artificial intelligence, by developing theory foundation and algorithmic solutions to decision making problems in general dynamical systems.

Our mission is to conduct impactful interdisciplinary research in artificial intelligence and decision making, including algorithm design and analysis, optimization, and implementation, using state-of-the-art mathematical techniques and system technology. Our ultimate goal is to develop ultra-efficient, robust, risk-aware and explainable AI decision making algorithms and tools.

The current research topics include (see Research for recent highlights):

  • Safe decision making 安全决策

  • Reinforcement learning theory 强化学习理论

  • Efficient deep reinforcement learning 高效深度强化学习

  • Diffusion/GFlowNets AIGC生成模型

  • Low-carbon decision intelligence 低碳决策智能

  • Learning-augmented network optimization 学习增强网络优化

Students & Postdoc (招生与博士后): I am constantly looking for highly motivated students (undergrad and graduate) and postdocs who are interested in the area of AI for Decisions (决策智能), including deep reinforcement learning, reinforcement learning theory, online learning, learning-augmented network optimization. Please email me if you are interested.

Recent News

  • [2024.05] Three papers accepted to ICML 2024!

  • [2024.02] Paper “When Lyapunov Drift Based Queue Scheduling Meets Adversarial Bandit Learning” accepted to IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking!

  • [2024.01] Prof. Huang is invited to serve as the TPC Co-Chair for IEEE WiOpt 2024. Please consider submitting your work!

  • [2024.01] Prof. Huang is invited to serve as an area chair for UAI 2024! Please consider submitting your work!

  • [2024.01] Two papers accepted to ICLR 2024!

  • [2023.12] Paper “Multi-User Delay-Constrained Scheduling with Deep Recurrent Reinforcement Learning” accepted to IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking!

  • [2023.08] Congratulations to Dr. Pan Ling for joining ECE@HKUST as a tenure-track Assistant Professor in Spring 2024!

  • [2023.06] Congratulations to Ms. Yihan Du, Ms. Yuanying Cai, and Ms. Yu Huang for their graduation! Dr. Du will join UIUC as a postdoc, Dr. Cai will join industry, and Ms. Huang will join Wharton as a Ph.D. student!

  • [2023.04] Two papers accepted to ICML 2023!

  • [2023.04] Prof. Huang is invited to serve as an associate editor for IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI)! Please consider submitting your work!

  • [2023.01] Six papers accepted to ICLR 2023 (2 Spotlight)!


Longbo Huang
FIT Building, Room 1-208
Tsinghua University
Beijing, China, 100084
Email: longbohuang AT