Wenfei Wu
Assistant Professor
IIIS, Tsinghua University
Wechat ID
I got my Ph.D. from Computer Sciences Department in the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 2015.
My research interest is in Networked Systems.
- 05/2021: [NEW] DHS accepted by KDD 2021!
- 04/2021: [NEW] ATP got the best paper award in NSDI 2021!
- 12/2020: [NEW] ATP accepted by NSDI 2021
- 12/2020: 4 papers about NFV, P4, and AIOps accepted by INFOCOM 2021
- 09/2020: NFD symbolic executor accepted by MASCOTS 2020
- 04/2020: T2DNS accepted by ICCCN 2020
- 01/2020: NFReducer accepted by SOSR 2020
- 10/2019: Give a talk about NF DevOps at MSRA
- 08/2019: FSMExtractor accepted by FEAST 2019
- 08/2019: Sphinx accepted by IPCCC 2019, win the best paper runner-up!
- 03/2019: SpeedyBox accepted by ICDCS 2019
- ...
Areas of Interest
Other Contributions
- Network Management: Janus, SLA-Verifier, SecondNet, DAC, TUS, P5
- Network Protocol: DEM, ATCP
- Network Architecture: PRAN, SoftMoW, XIA
- Network Security: T2DNS, BigSecurity
Current Semester: Fundamentals for Cryptography
- Fundamentals of Cryptography, F2017, F2018, F2019
- Security Technologies in Cyberspace, S2018, S2019
- Technical Program Committee
- APNet'21, TPC member
- IM'21, TPC member
- SIGCOMM'20 Poster and Demo, TPC member
- SIGCOMM'19 Poster and Demo, TPC member
- ANCS'19, TPC member
- ANCS'18, TPC member
- Hot-IoT'16, TPC member
- Transaction on Networking, reviewer
- Transacion on Network and Service Management, reviewer
- Internet Computing, reviewer
- Organizing Committee
- SIGMETRICS'21, local management chair
- SOSR'20, publication chair
- SIGCOMM'19, registration chair
- SOSR'19, publicity chair
- APNet'18, local management chair
- SOSR'17, travel grant chair
- Student Service
since 2010